Child Protection
RISS is committed to child safety and ensuring the well-being and protection of students and staff. Part of the Wolfert van Borselen school group in The Netherlands, RISS is an international secondary school serving students from over 50 countries from across the globe.
Our approach to child protection takes into consideration the unique multicultural aspects that accompany an international setting. In particular, we pay close attention to the individual cultural, ethical and emotional aspects of the children we educate. We strive to maintain the highest level of standards and training that encompass each and every child. This includes making student safety awareness and sensitivity training an integral part of our curriculum delivery.
In short, this is to say that we take a holistic approach to protecting our children. This includes but is not limited to an in-depth pastoral programme, a dedicated Student Protection Lead & team, continuous professional development for our teachers and staff so that they may keep aware of the latest news regarding student safety and coordination with local and national authorities who are experts the field of protecting our youth. We endeavor to engage our students, teachers, staff and parents to adopt a constant commitment and vigilance to ensure our community is a safe and approachable atmosphere for children to learn and grow.
For a comprehensive view of the protocols RISS follows, we refer you to our Key Documents page. Here you will find the policies and procedures for how RISS manages student safety issues such as: child abuse (physical/emotional/sexual), neglect, bullying (including online/social media bullying), safe hiring practices, emergency management procedures and information about the reporting code RISS follows in accordance with Dutch law.