
Our main focus is community building through a variety of PTA activities.

Volunteering groups

One of the key elements to a good start in a new country is through social networking and sharing experiences. Volunteering is a great way to do that and there are many of volunteering opportunities in the school.

Expat information

Through different activities we offer several ways to RISS parents with their settling in the Netherlands and Rotterdam. For that purpose we also provide some useful expat information and links to support new parents settle in their new surroundings and place.

pta diagram

Parental Involvement

The PTA plays an active role in the school activities like supporting in the Teaching and Learning Policy for the school, recruitment of heads of academic programmes offered by the school as well as in the process of re-accreditation by IB, CIS/NEASC. Some representative members of the PTA participate in these activities with the teachers and staff of the school.


Since we understand the challenges of starting life in a new country, we offer RISS parents opportunities to connect with each other through shared hobbies, sports and other activities that can foster connection, interaction and enrich their overall sense of well-being.


By organizing social and cultural events we not only broaden the educational experience of our children but also provide an opportunity for parents to socialize with other families. The International Food Festival and The Wine and Cheese Evening are two of the main events we organize every year. We also organize Coffee Mornings to welcome new parents into the school community and help in bonding and strengthening our community.


In order to support academic development of students and make the school a better place to benefit our students, we get involved in several projects together with school representatives.

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PTA Events 


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