RISS Reach

RISS Reach is an exciting new course that has been developed in line with the RISS vision of educating for self-awareness, curiosity and integrity in a changing world, and our core values of courage, relationships, respect and responsibility. This innovative and rigorous Middle Years subject encourages every student to enjoy their youth, through inquiries that encourage personal, local and global engagement, international mindedness and global citizenship.

Teaching and Learning

The two-year course aims to develop the knowledge, skills, understandings and dispositions to equip students for a changing 21st century world, such as the World Economic Forum’s ‘Top 10 Skills of 2025’ and Fullan and Scott’s ‘Six Cs’ of character, citizenship, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication.  The subject is interdisciplinary in nature, and encourages conceptual thinking as students make connections between their IGCSE subjects and other learning.

How can I develop my identity as a global citizen and reflective changemaker? How can I take individual and collaborative action to have a positive impact on my local, national and global communities?

reach logo

RISS Reach is a required subject in the Middle Years, that directly prepares students for the core components of the IB Career-related Programme and IB Diploma Programme, as well as enriching students’ IGCSE subject studies. Students will learn both individually and collaboratively as they explore their own identity and global issues, take action through an impact project and service learning & community engagement project, and think critically about a topic of choice in preparation for sharing their voice in a TED-style talk. 


Throughout the course, students will develop and integrate information technology skills, including a digital portfolio that will document evidence of both the process and products of their conceptual understanding. Learning will be evaluated through ongoing assessment that includes frequent and informative student, peer and teacher feedback.