Careers & HE Guidance
As the Careers and Higher Education (HE) Guidance Counselor, Margaretha van Rooij, I would like to introduce myself. It is an honour and a pleasure to work with the school community to ensure the highest possible standards are utilised when guiding our students through the Careers and Higher Education process.
Our role at school is to work together to guide RISS students and parents in the decision-making process for their future careers and higher education plans. We take a multi-disciplinary approach that takes into consideration your goals, academic performance, ALIS assessment results and personalised attention to the HE process.
The Careers and HE Counsellors will offer individual guidance on decision-making, researching career paths and university possibilities, assisting in the application process, and managing key deadlines. Throughout students' school years several aspects within the process of researching future pathways and applying to universities will take place. Events, organised by school, such as a career fair, alumni visits, university fairs, are an important part of this experience.
Students will also receive the added benefit of having access to Unifrog, a careers and university search engine that RISS is using to support and inform students in choosing a career path, finding the best-fit university, building a CV, and creating a personal statement, amongst other things. Here, students and parents can access the latest university admissions criteria and find country/region specific tips for gaining admission.
We provide weekly updates on the field of careers, vocational and higher education through tutorials, Google Classroom and mail. Please keep an eye on our weekly RISS Bulletin for the whole school community in which we also share relevant information concerning Careers and Higher Education.
We look forward to serving the RISS community and making this crucial transition from secondary school to careers and higher education a meaningful and growthful process. Please, don’t hesitate to contact us via our email address: